Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dear Reader,

My website is up []. I've been working on it, slowly, between lockdowns, searches, and general security for months. [It is all hand-coded.] It has been a challenge to complete. There are a few errors, but I had to seize an opportunity as it arose. There are at least a dozen ways it could have happened. Naturally, cross-browser testing was unavailable.

On the site is some information about me, my past, my music, and the meaning of elite|fitrea. There are also some letters written by other inmates, as well as 30 or so articles penned by Michael McCarthy, a unique character in his own right.

With the task successfully accomplished, I can dive deeper into my story. I have also developed a habit of writing down quotes, thoughts, and book excerpts as I come across them. These will be posted at my family's leisure. The telling of this story is one of the strangest things I have ever attempted; it fills me with dread and intrigue.

I have no idea what I am doing.

Thanks for reading all the same.


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